Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Great Cake Hunt!

Several weeks coming into a party, panic mode always sets in - usually while I'm tossing and turning in the middle of the night.

"I can't believe I only have a few weeks left to get everything organised! Where did all the time go? How am I going to get everything done?" My DH just shakes his head at me every time and offers his advice of "Don't worry about it! Let's just have a sausage sizzle and keep it simple." Now don't get me wrong - simple is great!

But simple is just not me (my DH was warned before we got married)!

For the first few parties, I made an effort to make the birthday cake. Here are a few piccies of my creations!
They might have looked ok, but I must admit that they didn't necessarily taste the best all the time. Thank goodness icing has many similar properties to glue!

After several parties where I would spend an entire day (and the early hours of the morning) solely concentrating on the birthday cake - it dawned on me that there are so many talented and creative people out there who could do it faster and better! (More about these people in a later blog.)

I've been lucky to have some of these experts design some of their creations for my little girls. Did I feel like a bad mum??...Nah! Just a smarter one.

Having said all that, I must confess that this year (or should I say, in a few weeks time), I've decided to tackle the task of making the cake once again. I've just signed up to a cupcake decorating course with The Cupcake Fairy (aka Dee). Dee has assured me that all will be ok! Let's hope I can have a good night's sleep tonight.